Monday, February 11, 2013

Quick baby update

Just a quick update on baby Hansen #2...

We had another baby appointment today!  Baby Hansen #2 is doing GREAT!  I am officially a little over 22 weeks along and baby is measuring about 23 weeks.  I have to say, at this point, Jameson was already 2.5 weeks ahead of the game, so this little guy is staying a little more "on track" (at least as of now).

Speaking of size... My doctor is keeping a VERY close eye on his size...  Which means, hopefully I will not be delivering another 9 lb 6 oz baby!  But truly, on a serious note, she is hoping by keeping an eye on the size we will not have to go through anything like we did when Jameson was born.  Let's just say Luke and I are both VERY happy about that and very supportive of whatever the doctor wants to do to make sure we are good to go!

Babies heartbeat was strong at 143 beats!  Much slower than J's, but still VERY good and normal!  (Jameson was always 160 and above)

Our next appointment is March 11th and that will also be my glucose test.  I tend to freak out a little regarding this test, not because I tested positive last time, but my mom actually had gestational diabetes with both my brother and I.  AND we were both HUGE babies!  So, keep your fingers crossed all goes well.

Cheers to another great month and a healthy baby 

The BIG Reveal

Yes, as most of you know, we found out we are having a:


I have to honestly admit, I am STILL in shock!  I (and Luke) 100% thought we were having a little girl.  Every single thing about this pregnancy has been the complete opposite from my first pregnancy.  When I say everything, I mean everything...  Sickness, eating habits, sleeping habits, how I am carrying the baby...  EVERYTHING.  Truly, I was convinced there was a little princess in my tummy.

Anyways... enough of the pink talk...

Since we didn't find out the sex during our first pregnancy, Luke convinced me we NEEDED to find out this time.  I really enjoyed not knowing last time, but compromise is the name of this married game!  We decided to have a little fun with it, so we planned a reveal party with our family and friends.

Luke and I had no idea what the sex of the baby was going into the party.  We took the mystery envelope, given to us by the ultrasound tech, directly to a local baker and she then made a beautiful cake that would reveal the sex once we cut into it.

The cake was AMAZING!  Everything I wanted and more... The Cake Lady did an awesome job!!!

It says
"He or She... Open to See"

We asked our guests to wear something pink or  blue depending on whether they thought we were having a boy or girl.  I would have to say, 90% of our crowd was pink!  With a couple undecided and then a couple that wore both... (cheaters! - haha)

Here is a great picture of our guests... (missing a few, but that's ok)
I bought lips for those that thought we were having a girl and mustaches
for those that thought we were having a boy 

I have to say, we tried our HARDEST to wait as long as possible to cut into the cake because we knew some of our friends were going to be late... but the anticipation was killing us.... so....

Here we go!!!!

Our faces seriously tell you how surprised we were


Happy Little Family

My girlfriends and I
We had to ditch the lips and take a picture 
with the mustaches!

Truly, Truly, Truly.... I still can NOT believe we are having a BOY!!!!!

I may not believe it until the day I am holding him my arms.  (haha)
 I did have a dream the other night that although we were told it was a boy, he came out a GIRL!
(I know crazy pregnancy dreams, but that just tells you how convinced I was it was a girl!)

We are SO excited to meet our little man!  What a blessing!  And Jameson will have a buddy to play with!!!