Saturday, May 18, 2013

BIG BOY Bed Update

Oh the Big Boy Bed!!!  What a transition (to say the least).  For those of you that saw the few pictures I posted in Facebook, you have a little idea of how our "adventure" began.  Yes, this has been the hardest transition with Mr. J-$ to date.

Jameson was not only transitioning from the crib to a bed, but he was also moving bedrooms.  His new room is in our basement, and honestly, I think that has been the hardest on me.  BUT, Luke and I put our "big boy/girl panties on" and ready-set-go we were ready to make this transition.

WOW!  this has been one heck-of-a roller coaster ride.  We started our training during nap time so Jameson wouldn't wake up in pitch black, middle of the night darkness and be scared.  Here is how big boy bed day #1 went.  (this picture was taken during nap time and bed time was exactly the same)

Now, I am not going to go day by day, but I do have to show a quick picture of how we found Mr. J the following evening.

Yes, he is actually SLEEPING on the chair.  I think Luke and I sat and giggled over this for an hour.

One thing I have to say, this defiantly has been difficult for all of us.  Jameson has been a GREAT sleeper since day 1.  By moving to the big boy bed, we have had some sleepless nights, loss of many hours of sleep, some great/normal nights of rest and pretty much everything in between.  We almost gave up about a week ago and just about bought another crib.  BUT, I have to say I am proud of Luke and I for sticking it out.  Jameson still tends to fall asleep at his door, but he is definitely sleeping longer, falling asleep faster and understanding that he has a new bedroom.  (oh and yes, he has fallen asleep in his bed.... twice!  - yes, only twice... but it's better than nothing) :-)

Although this has been a transition for all of us, it surely has taught all three of us a major lesson...  

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's Day 2013 = RELAXATION! 
and yes, I was A-OK with that!

We originally had all the "normal" Mother's Day traditions planned...  Go to brunch, open cards/gifts, pick up flowers to plant... you know...  BUT... the plan quickly changed early in the morning when we all felt pretty lazy and comfy in our home.

Luke kept asking me if we were doing everything I wanted and seriously, just hanging out around the house was perfectly fine with me.  We actually got a little yard work done and spent some quality time with our wonderful neighbors. 

One thing I am a little sad about is I never got a picture with my little man!

To my Jameson - 
You are the reason I am able to celebrate Mother's Day.  You bring absolute joy to my life and I love you with all my heart.  I could not imagine life with out, your energy and your heart-melting smile.  I love you more than words can express and you will always be my "Mr. Man"!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Baby Bumpin'

My parents were here the weekend we marked week 33!!  So, before they headed back home, my mom snapped a few pics.

Thanks mom for taking these pictures!  Although I was feeling pretty swollen and large that morning, I know I will look back and be very happy to have them!

PS...  Jameson is actually standing behind Luke and I.  We tried everything to get him in at least one picture, but he was not having it :-)  

Day trip with Mommy

Last weekend J and I took a little adventure up to the Brookings Children's Museum.  I was a little hesitant going on my own being 34 weeks pregnant with a very active toddler, but I am SO happy I made the decision just to go.

Luke had to work all weekend, the weather was yucky (rainy and cold) and it was getting harder and harder to tell Jameson NO to going outside (he would spend the ENTIRE day outside if I would let him).  So, Friday night I just made the executive decision we were GOING!  

Sound the noise of a SCREAMING 21 month old at 4:30 a.m. and you now have an idea of how Saturday morning started!  Let's just say that was NOT in my plans and I was officially worried about our day trip.  BUT...  J proved me wrong and was a perfect little boy all morning long!  

We started our trip with a quick Starbucks stop (naturally) and then it was time to hit the road!
This is exactly how the drive went for J!

FYI - this picture was taken in the Starbucks drive thru
We hadn't even left Sioux Falls!

I have to say, I was pretty happy to see him snooze for about 45 minutes considering he was so tired and up so early.  I knew he would want to play, play, play hard once we got to the museum and I wanted to make sure we would make it out to lunch (one of our favorite little cafes is right across the street from the museum) after our morning of fun.  Yes, he did GREAT during both and this was one happy mommy!!!!!

Here are a few pics from our fun day!

It was so much fun to spend the day with my little man at one of his favorite places!  I can't believe we will have TWO in just a few short weeks!  Luke and I are trying our best to make sure we spend as much quality time with Jameson before his entire world gets tossed upside down.  

Love you Jameson!!!

Baby Update :-)

Once again, a little late... 

Anyways, This post is going to be short and sweet because................ that is exactly how our appointment went :-)  Baby was WONDERFUL!  

I have had a few intense contractions over the last few weeks 
**Just a quick side note... when I was pregnant with J, I never went into labor on my own... yes, my water broke on it's own, but I had to be medically induced into labor after so many hours...  I had many BH contractions, yes, Stella pulled me down and put me in labor (twice at 36 weeks), but I never actually had the painful labor pains on my own**  
With that said, I have been totally thrown for a loop with the painful contractions I have been experiencing.  Our doctor said not to worry considering they stopped on their own.  With that said, we will find out next week if the contractions have actually been "doing anything" (all you mommies out there know what I mean).

So, yes, baby is GREAT, mommy is feeling great (besides some nasty allergies) and all is well in the Hansen Household!

Our next appointment is on Tuesday!!   Then we go EVERY WEEK!  AHHHHHHH  So exciting!  Sunday will mark week 35!!

Cheers to baby #2!