Monday, December 31, 2012

Ending 2012

Let me start by saying...

Happy New Year!!

Yes, I am writing this post on New Years Eve 2012 from my comfy couch, in my comfy PJ's with NO cocktail or snack in hand...  And to only make that statement better... I AM LOVING IT!  Yes, that's right, this is exactly the way I wanted to spend my New Years.  

Boy have times changed from just a couple years ago... From going out all night, many phone calls at 12:01am and much much more FUN!  But, with a toddler that doesn't understand the meaning of "sleeping in" and baby #2 on the way, staying in, staying warm, and relaxing is all the excitement I need in my life tonight.

With that said, I sit here, watching Dick Clark's New Years Rockin' Eve (or however you say it) and reflect on (what I would call) a wonderful, fun, crazy, emotional and most of all LOVING year.  Yes, what a year it has been!!!  

This year has brought so many memories that I can't even sit here and list them all off.  I am grateful for all the fun times, the sad times, and most importantly, every single moment I was able to enjoy with my amazing family.  I truly have been blessed with such a great husband and lovable toddler.  They bring so much joy to my life that every time I think about either of them, all I can do is smile!  

I am so excited to ring in 2013 in my NEW HOUSE, welcome our second bundle of joy in June, and make many, many, many more fun filled family memories! 

I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!!

Much Love,

**PS... Since I haven't had time to blog in about a month (moving, Luke's crazy work schedule, sick with the flu and baby #2... you name it..) I have kept a list of all the "catch up" blogs that I MUST write.  I apologize now for the next couple weeks and the overload of updates from the Hansen Household!***