Sunday, January 20, 2013

Testing..Testing.. 1-2-3

Oh yes, TESTING is the name of our game these days!  Let me tell you, we have officially entered the toddler stage!  I have to say, it's A) FUN, B) TIRING and C) NEVER ending.

Now, I completely understand every toddler goes through this stage and it's a MAJOR learning time, but boy oh boy....  Crazy how these little people have such curious minds and how they NEVER get tired... (or get sick of getting time-outs!)

So, what are we dealing with you ask... Well here is a "little" list of the "big" tests we are going through these days:

1. Hitting

2. Pushing buttons on electronics (the stereo is his new favorite "naughty")

3. opening draws (mind you, we have baby proofed our house!)

4. opening doors (he knows how to open the pantry door....  man, that little kid does not mess around when it comes to food - hence the belly)  :-)

5. Throwing toys - we have a strong arm on our hands!!  (Gpa is thinking, "YES baseball player"... Daddy is thinking, "YES, Quarterback!")  But honestly, J gets any sort of frustration in him with a toy and that thing is tossed immediately!  and he doesn't care what/who/if anything is in his way!

6. TANTRUMS!  full blown......  all out....  arch the back....  kicking... TANTRUMS!  Honestly, it was a little embarrassing the first time I had to carry my son out of the mall like a football, but I quickly became not a touch phased by the situation!  (oh the joys of parenthood)

I have to say, we maybe going through a lot of changes with J, tantrums and "learning" but I wouldn't change it for the world!  He truly is a joy and the light of our life!  I may get frustrated or tired at times, but it truly is remarkable to watch him learn and grow into such a little boy!

BUT...  When 7:30pm Bedtime comes around...  AHHHH the silence :-)  

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