Monday, September 30, 2013

3 Months!

Three months and a seriously spunky, happy and giggly personality!  

I honestly can not begin to explain what a happy baby we have on our hands...  Yes, (in the voice of Phil Robertson) happy, happy, happy!

Jackson is growing up so quickly!  Our "little" baby is smiling, giggling. holding his head up, observing EVERYTHING and eating like it's no ones business.  

Monthly Stats:

Weight: 17lbs!  
(yes, you are reading that correctly)
Diapers size: 2
Clothing size: 3-6 month (mostly 6mo)

A little more about our little (big) boy

Unlike Jameson, Jackson is not the best sleeper but can eat all of us under the table!  No joke, Jackson would eat all day and all night long if I were to let him.  He LOVES his milk (and his mommy) ;-)  We are working very hard to get on more of an eating schedule, but right now it's mostly "on demand".  I am hoping we have a little more of an "eating routine" report by next month!

On a positive note (this actually happened just past the three month mark, but it's so exciting to us, I just had to post it) Jackson is now officially drinking out of a bottle!!!  OH MY GOSH!  I truly did not think the day would ever come.  It wasn't easy, it wasn't fun, but we did it.  He still prefers to nurse, but at least we have options now!  And this is one happy mommy reporting this amazing news!

On to the sleep situation.  Yes, Jackson would definitely prefer to eat rather than sleep.  Jameson - the complete opposite!  Luke and I made the decision to start sleeping training ASAP!  We have been working on it for a couple weeks now and we are seeing SOME progress.  Jackson will go down pretty easy for bed time, but after he gets up for a night feeding he doesn't seem to want to sleep much longer. One thing we have figured out is if he nurses during the night, getting him to stay asleep the remainder of the night is not all the easy... (he really likes the comfort of nursing-that's for sure... there are times I will get him all set to nurse and as soon as he lays down next to my chest he falls asleep) On the other hand, since we have started bottles and if he were to get a bottle during the night, the chances of him falling back a sleep and staying asleep for a few more hours is much greater.  (you can guess where we are heading with this situation!)

Naps, now thats an entirely different story... Jackson just simply does not like to nap.  It takes every single ounce of energy to get him to sleep during the day.  Again, we are working VERY hard on this... 

Overall, we most certainly have an amazing little man on our hands!  He brings so much joy and laughter to each and everyday!  He has 100% completed our family and we could not be happier!

And to top it all off, Jameson is the BEST big brother!  (sometimes a little on the rough and tough side, but he always wants to know where the "baby" is!)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Dirty Thirty"

Well... obviously not so dirty, but still fun!  Plans for our long weekend changed about 1,000 times, but we made the best of it and had a blast!

So yes, I have officially turned the big 3-0!  No, I don't feel any different... yes, I know I can't do things like I did when I was 18-23ish (stay up all night long, drink like a fish - well I can do that, but the morning are not-so-fun!, work out like crazy and not feel sore the next day, and so on....) but that's ok.  I am happy where I am today and although I LOVED my college years, I wouldn't go back for anything!  I love my life and my family more than words could express!

Big birthday plans...  I wanted to do something fun for my 30th that was adult only!  So, Vegas BABY!  Yes, the planning landed us with a trip to Vegas..  Everything was going smoothly until Jackson decided he did not want to take a bottle... So, halt the Vegas planning and bring on a night away, just Luke and I.  My parents were still going to watch the boys for us so we could at least get away one night...  Jackson would survive one night without mommy and mommy would (hopefully) be able to relax for an evening out...  Halt the night away (Jackson freaked out at my parents house right before we were getting ready to leave) and bring on a few hours away in the Dells.  Yes, not nearly anything close to what we originally planned, but it was still a lot of fun!  Luke and I were able to get away for a few hours, enjoy a nice afternoon of shopping and lunch AND...  my parents/brother put together a fun scavenger hunt for us to complete along the way!

**A few things we had to find on the scavenger hunt.. 1. a wine cork, 2. someone wearing a badger sports shirt, 3. A license plate with 30 in it., 4. an address with 30 in it, 5. a coffee cup, 6. a watermelon drink, 7. I had to have a stranger update my facebook status... and so on... It was SO MUCH FUN!  I think Luke and I enjoyed that more than the shopping and lunch!  haha It was great to be creative and figure it all out***

The remainder of our weekend consisted of hanging out in Ona with my family.  Such a fun filled relaxing weekend with my husband, boys, parents and brother!  Thank you to everyone that made my special day AMAZING!!!

Heading out for our day in the Dells

Visiting Great Grandma Marson

Jackson and Great Grandma Marson

Uncle Adam and "Moose"

Jameson and Gpa playing outside in the pool

I think Gpa had just as much fun, if not more, then Jameson

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2 Months and Counting!

I can't believe our littlest man is 2 months old already!?!?  Seriously, he is getting SO BIG, SO FAST!  (and I am not joking on the big part!)

We had Jackson's 2 month check up the same day Jameson had his 2 year check up... let's just say I will NEVER be doing that again.  Two cranky and sleep deprived boys = one exhausted mommy!  I was really looking forward to a glass of wine that evening!  :-)

With that said, here are some stats on our little (big) man

So, here's the deal, he was at the doctor the day before for another reason and the scale read 16 lbs 7 oz... the following day at Jackson's well baby visit, the scale read 15lbs 9oz.... So, you make the call... I am going to average it out and say:
That is one BIG baby!
Height: 24in
Head Circumference: 17in
Diaper size: 2
Clothing size: 3-6 mo

Jackson is developing such a personality!  He is smiling, cooing, little giggles and most importantly sleeping well!  (not all the way through the night just yet, but we've had a slight taste of what that would be like again!)  He is sleeping in his own room because like his brother, Jackson is a VERY loud sleeper!  Our little man LOVES his crib at night, but still has not taken to sleeping in the crib during the day.  I have a feeling that one will be hard to break, but trust me, we will do it!  

Our biggest challenge has been the bottle!  Let's just say Jackson LOVES being close to his mommy... ALL... THE... TIME!  It has certainly been a struggle to get him to even TRY to put a bottle in his mouth.  But, this past weekend has given us hope that we will get there!  I would have to say this has been one of the hardest things for me as a mother of 2 because I feel so... I guess you would say stuck...  I love the fact that Jackson always wants to be with me, but simple tasks as going to the grocery store has been stressful.  Needless to say, we are making progress and I hope by our 3 month check in we will be 100% on the bottle.  

Jackson has certainly brought a whole new level of joy to our family.  He LOVES to be snuggled, held and kissed all day long!  I LOVE being a mommy to my boys and I look forward to many, many, many more years of snuggles and kisses with my little guys.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Jackson's Baptism

We traveled back to Onalaska the first weekend in August to celebrate our precious Jackson's baptism.  I knew I wanted Deacon Frank to baptize our little man and he was gracious enough to to say YES!  (LOVE Deacon Frank!)

So, Friday morning we packed up the Hansen mobile and off we went.  Thank goodness for a day off for Luke!  He not only needed it, but we were able to spend an extra full day having fun as a family.  Jackson's godfather and Luke's best friend flew in from South Bend, IN.  We were able to meet Mr. Lee for lunch in Winona on our way back to WI.  It was GREAT to get a little extra time with him and he was able to meet Jackson and see Jameson before the craziness began Saturday afternoon.

Since our weekend was going to be in and out, we decided to invite all of the grandparents out for lunch before Saturday evening mass/baptism so we could all be together for a nice dinner and then the remainder of the evening.

Lets just say Mass was... interesting...  (to say the least) thank heavens for "cry rooms" at church!  Jameson was a WILD CHILD!  He was not having any part of sitting down!  haha (can you imagine that?!)  He was nonstop the entire hour.  Jackson on the other hand, slept during mass and then was wide awake (and not happy) for the baptism.  But overall, it was WONDERFUL!

Our evening was simply perfect.  Jackson was blessed by so many family members and we all enjoyed our evening celebrating our little man.  A HUGE thank you goes out to Melissa and Lee (Jackson's godparents) for making his day unforgettably special.  We are so incredibly thankful to have such love and support surrounding our family and we know our little man will ALWAYS be taken care of by two outstanding individuals.  You both mean the world to us and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for for all the love you give to our family.

On our way to lunch

Jackson was not a happy camper :-)

LOVE this picture!

But I think I LOVE this one a little more!

Jackson with his amazing grandparents

Jackson with is wonderful godparents - Lee and Melissa

And then there was Jameson....

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jake and the Neverland Pirates Party

We decided to stay in Sioux Falls this year and host a party for Jameson right here in our own home.  Last year was SO much fun, but it was A LOT of work and A LOT of traveling for the weekend.  It was nice to have a little get together in the comfort of our home, enjoy our friends and family and most importantly, sleep in our beds that evening (it's exhausting hosting a party!).

The theme this year was, you guessed it, Jake and the Neverland Pirates.  Jameson LOVES this cartoon.  He dances to the theme song, plays with all the action figures and loves to read his Jake books.

I was beyond thankful to have my best friend in town leading up to the weekend and for the party!  I don't think I could have pulled the party off without her!

The entire day was filled with tons of fun!  Jameson had so much fun playing with the all kids!  He actually opened his own presents this year (with a little help from mommy) and started playing with his new toys right away!  Thank you to everyone that came over and helped us celebrate our BIG 2 YEAR OLD!

LOVED the cake!

Poor Jameson could not eat his cake (allergies)
so he had a very special cookie instead

LOVE this picture!
Easton and Kye
(we had pirate tattoos for the kids to put on)

Showing off their tattoos

 Luke and MaKenzi enjoying some cake

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

1 Month

This is SUPER past due, but I still wanted to post a few pictures from Jackson's 1 month photo shoot. 

Jackson is getting HUGE!  I honestly do not know what he weighs right now (we are guessing around 13lbs) but my arms are getting tired by the end of the day, that's for sure!

A Few Facts About Jackson

Jackson is already wearing 3-6 month clothes!  We will be opening our first package of size 2 diapers tomorrow and he is starting to out grow the swing.  All of this due to the fact he LOVES to eat!  Jackson would (seriously) eat every 45 minutes if I were to let him.  Yes, I actually did let him do this for a while, but this mommy was going crazy.  We are working hard on spreading feedings out and also working VERY hard on trying to get Jackson to drink out of a bottle.  Jackson is working on holding his head up on his own, starting to really love the bath (just like his brother) and the smiles are officially underway!  

Sleeping has been a learning experience for all of us.  We started Jackson in our bedroom and planned to have him there for a few months.  Well, that has not gone as planned.  First of all, he needed to be elevated to sleep due to acid reflex, so the co-sleeper was not going to work.  Thanks to our fabulous neighbors, Jackson slept in the rock-n-play for a few weeks.  LIFE SAVER for this mommy and daddy...  He then started to not sleep well in that and we figured it was just best to try the crib.  BEST DECISION EVER!  Jackson LOVES his crib!  He is sleeping for roughly six hours after his last feeding of the day.  Tends to wake up for a quick feeding sometime between 2-3 and then wakes up again around 5:30/6.  Mommy and daddy are pretty excited about this!

Overall, the first month has gone well.  Lots of learning, lots of snugs and most of all, lots of brotherly love!

We have a 2 year old?!?! Really?

Yes, yes... that is correct... our precious Jameson turned 2 on July 25th!!  CRAZY!  I say it all the time, but where has the time gone???  He is growing up so quickly and becoming such a smart little boy!

J's birthday fell on a Thursday this year which was perfect because Luke has Thursdays off.  We made the entire day about Jameson... no weather, crankiness, nothing was going to stand in the way of making his day special!
Birthday morning cartoon time

We started our day at the Sioux Falls zoo.  Honestly, Jameson is not the biggest fan of animals, but he LOVES to run around the zoo and smiles from ear to ear when he rides the carousal.  So, yes, you guessed it... We followed J around the zoo, wherever he wanted to run (yes, he did stop to check out a few animals along the way) and made sure he got to ride the carousal before we left.

He may not be smiling in the exact picture,
 but he was having so much fun!

After the zoo we headed out to lunch...  (more for mommy and daddy being as though Jameson's diet is so limited), but he had fun and enjoyed entertaining everyone in the restaurant.  After lunch, normally it would have been nap time, but we blew that off for a while to head to the splash park.  Most of you know how much Jameson A) LOVES water and B) LOVES to play at the park... best of both worlds at the Sioux Falls splash park.

I was pretty surprised that Jameson did not fall asleep on our drive home since we were on the go and running around all morning, but in true Jameson fashion he was wide awake when we pulled into our driveway.

So, a little about Jameson...  He is talking up a storm!  He says something new every single day!  The BEST thing he says is: I LOVE YOU!  The first time I heard those words come out of his mouth it brought tears to my eyes!  He may be a little wild, not listen (most of the time) and scream at the top of his lungs when he doesn't get what he wants, but when those three words come out of his mouth, my heart melts.

Jameson is running (not walking) everywhere.  He is trying to be independent, but is always paying attention, out of the corner of his eye, where mommy and daddy are at.  He LOVES to jump on our neighbors trampolines, loves to play bubbles and anything that has to do with some sort of ball.  Jake and the Neverland Pirates is his favorite TV show, but will stop anytime he sees a TV on.  (takes after his father and uncle Adam for sure!)  Elmo is a VERY close second!  Jameson loves to read books, but only likes to read the books HE picks out.  His all time favorite food at the moment is chips.  (tortilla chips).  Jameson will stop everything he is doing if he sees "CHIPPIES" (as he says) and will not eat anything else on his tray if chips are in sight.

I can't believe our little man is 2!  Each and everyday I thank God for bringing Jameson into our lives.  He lights up a room as soon as he enters and puts a smile on every ones face.  I feel so privileged and blessed to call Jameson my son and I absolutely LOVE being his mommy!  

Jameson, mommy and daddy love you with all of our hearts!  You mean the world to us, and Jackson is so lucky to have such an amazing brother to grow up with and look up to.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Jackson Lucas Hansen

Well, as you all know, our second little man joined our family on June 17, 2013.  Jackson Lucas Hansen did NOT want to make his grand entrance on his own, so I was induced the morning of the 17th.

So, here's how to day went down... (in a nutshell)  

Midnight (Sunday) - Yes, I should have been sleeping at this time, but who can sleep knowing the next day they were going to have a baby... no matter what!  My mind was racing!  I was going to be changing Jameson's world forever, how would labor go this time (after our crazy adventure with Jameson) would I be able to do it naturally, how long would it take for me to actually go into labor this time, how long would I have to push (after pushing 5.5 hours with Jameson)... the mind game went on... and on... and on... until I actually turned my alarm off at 430 in the morning and decided to just get in the shower... no need to lay in bed anymore!  We got up, got ourselves ready and headed to the hospital... 

But not without a couple last minute pictures as a family of three
and the BIG belly!

I was ready... "Let's do this" is what I kept saying...  Bring on the contractions and let's get this baby OUT!  7:30a.m. and the pitocin was flowing...  and I was waiting... and waiting... and waiting to feel that very first painful and "meaningful" contraction...  tick-tock, tick-tock..  It's now noon and still no contractions!  GRRRRR  not only had I lost the family bet on when the baby was going to be born, but I WAS STILL PREGNANT!  So, whats next?  Well they finally broke my water just after noon and BAM...  Bring on the CRAZY contractions!  Wow!  They were intense and coming super fast!  I went from a 4 to an 8 in just about an hour!  (all you mom's out there get the idea of how that could have felt)  Now, as most of you know, my epidural did NOT work with Jameson, but I was willing and wanting to try again...  They asked if I was ready and there was NO WAY I was saying no!  

So, bring on the meds and please let this pain go away!  Well, yes, you guessed it...  No such luck again :-(  It actually did take the edge off for a little while, but not for long and I back to feeling everything.  (this coming from a girl that can hardly stand getting a shot!  Yes, not ideal and I was not a happy camper!)  Anyways, I was finally ready to push around 4p.m.  That last cm was a doozy!  

Although the delivery was not as dramatic as Jameson's, it was still tough having felt everything along the way... Not to mention, once they weighed Jackson and found out he was OVER 10lbs... Everyone was in total understanding as to why I was begging for a C-section halfway through my delivery!  haha.

But yes, Jackson arrived at 5:52p.m. weighing in at 10lbs. 2oz. and 22in long.  He lite up our world immediately!  That initial scream brought tears to my eyes and I was overjoyed to hold my baby boy as soon as he arrived (Jameson was taken to the NICU right away, so it was so much different this time).  

He has been a joy ever since he entered our world!  Although he wants to eat ALL THE TIME, he brings so much happiness and joy to our lives each and every day!  Our family is complete!  

Love you Jackson Lucas!

A visit with a dear friend... Maria!

So, one of my dearest friends came to visit me the weekend after Memorial Day.  It was SO wonderful to have girl time and catch up; just the two of us... well actually three of us, to including Jameson :-)

First, I just have to say THANK YOU to Maria for making the 9 hour drive to "the falls" to visit!!!  We had such a great time!  Luke had to work that weekend so us girls had the pleasure of entertaining little Jameson all by ourselves!  haha

Friday evening, we took Maria downtown for dinner.  It was an absolute gorgeous evening, so we were able to sit outside and enjoy some fresh air... the 4 of us :-)  (well 4.5 at that time - Jackson was still in his nice warm, quiet, cozy little home)  After dinner, Maria and I were able to get some "catch up" time once Jameson went to bed.  Again, so great to have that time together!!!

Saturday, I talked Maria into braving the Children's museum with me!  Honestly, it truly is just as fun for adults as it is kids.  The weather was not-so-nice, so it was a perfect way to spend the day.  Let me tell you, it was complete entertainment just watching Jameson.  I think Maria had more than her share of laughs just from my child alone.

**Side note**  Anyone that knows the Brookings, SD museum, knows there is the "oh so wonderful" water room.  Oh yes, an entire room filled with water... no doors... and oh so eye catching to (almost) every child.  You guessed it, Jameson (the fish that he is) is ALWAYS all about that room.  I have learned to bring extra clothes with me because he HATES to wear the water aprons and naturally tends to splash himself soaked..

Ok, so on with my story..  "Splash himself soaked" was an understatement this trip...  Yep, I am not joking.  He actually climbed up on one of water tables and put his ENTIRE head under the little waterfall.  No, I am NOT exaggerating one little bit...  SOAKED...  Not one area of his clothing was dry by the time we left the museum.  Although EVERYONE was looking at my little man with a little weird smirk, he had SO much fun and I knew we had extra clothes so no big deal at all!  We then headed across the street to my favorite little cafe for some delicious lunch!  (dry clothes and all)  :-)

This was only the beginning!  One happy little boy!
Yes, that would also be the waterfall Jameson was putting his head under

That evening Maria and I, once again, had a little girl time!  I took her on a little tour of Sioux Falls, we had our McDonalds run (no, no Diet coke this time... but YES to ice cream!) and then we headed down to see "the falls" (I mean you can't visit Sioux Falls and NOT see the falls!)

Bring on Sunday and naturally, our weekend had to come to an end.  I always hate to say GOODBYE to good friends, but it was time for Maria to head on out.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for visiting Maria!  It meant the world to have you here and to get some girl time!!  Love ya!  xoxo

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Where is Abby????

Wow!  I can't believe it's been two months since I have written anything!  Life has been... well...  BUSY, CRAZY, NON-STOP!  Still, I am sad I have been so behind because SO much has happened in our lives in these two months!

Yes, as most of you know, our new bundle of joy joined our family, we've had MANY visitors, we started celebrating Jameson's second birthday and much much more!  I am going to try my best to do as much catch up as possible, but I am currently writing this post at 2:34a.m. (feeding time) and I have a feeling it will be times like this that I will have to sneak in as much writing as possible.

So, here's to TRYING to catch up on whats been going on in our lives and hopefully not fall behind again.

Can't wait to show you all many, many pictures!!!

Saturday, May 18, 2013

BIG BOY Bed Update

Oh the Big Boy Bed!!!  What a transition (to say the least).  For those of you that saw the few pictures I posted in Facebook, you have a little idea of how our "adventure" began.  Yes, this has been the hardest transition with Mr. J-$ to date.

Jameson was not only transitioning from the crib to a bed, but he was also moving bedrooms.  His new room is in our basement, and honestly, I think that has been the hardest on me.  BUT, Luke and I put our "big boy/girl panties on" and ready-set-go we were ready to make this transition.

WOW!  this has been one heck-of-a roller coaster ride.  We started our training during nap time so Jameson wouldn't wake up in pitch black, middle of the night darkness and be scared.  Here is how big boy bed day #1 went.  (this picture was taken during nap time and bed time was exactly the same)

Now, I am not going to go day by day, but I do have to show a quick picture of how we found Mr. J the following evening.

Yes, he is actually SLEEPING on the chair.  I think Luke and I sat and giggled over this for an hour.

One thing I have to say, this defiantly has been difficult for all of us.  Jameson has been a GREAT sleeper since day 1.  By moving to the big boy bed, we have had some sleepless nights, loss of many hours of sleep, some great/normal nights of rest and pretty much everything in between.  We almost gave up about a week ago and just about bought another crib.  BUT, I have to say I am proud of Luke and I for sticking it out.  Jameson still tends to fall asleep at his door, but he is definitely sleeping longer, falling asleep faster and understanding that he has a new bedroom.  (oh and yes, he has fallen asleep in his bed.... twice!  - yes, only twice... but it's better than nothing) :-)

Although this has been a transition for all of us, it surely has taught all three of us a major lesson...  

Mother's Day 2013

Mother's Day 2013 = RELAXATION! 
and yes, I was A-OK with that!

We originally had all the "normal" Mother's Day traditions planned...  Go to brunch, open cards/gifts, pick up flowers to plant... you know...  BUT... the plan quickly changed early in the morning when we all felt pretty lazy and comfy in our home.

Luke kept asking me if we were doing everything I wanted and seriously, just hanging out around the house was perfectly fine with me.  We actually got a little yard work done and spent some quality time with our wonderful neighbors. 

One thing I am a little sad about is I never got a picture with my little man!

To my Jameson - 
You are the reason I am able to celebrate Mother's Day.  You bring absolute joy to my life and I love you with all my heart.  I could not imagine life with out, your energy and your heart-melting smile.  I love you more than words can express and you will always be my "Mr. Man"!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Baby Bumpin'

My parents were here the weekend we marked week 33!!  So, before they headed back home, my mom snapped a few pics.

Thanks mom for taking these pictures!  Although I was feeling pretty swollen and large that morning, I know I will look back and be very happy to have them!

PS...  Jameson is actually standing behind Luke and I.  We tried everything to get him in at least one picture, but he was not having it :-)  

Day trip with Mommy

Last weekend J and I took a little adventure up to the Brookings Children's Museum.  I was a little hesitant going on my own being 34 weeks pregnant with a very active toddler, but I am SO happy I made the decision just to go.

Luke had to work all weekend, the weather was yucky (rainy and cold) and it was getting harder and harder to tell Jameson NO to going outside (he would spend the ENTIRE day outside if I would let him).  So, Friday night I just made the executive decision we were GOING!  

Sound the noise of a SCREAMING 21 month old at 4:30 a.m. and you now have an idea of how Saturday morning started!  Let's just say that was NOT in my plans and I was officially worried about our day trip.  BUT...  J proved me wrong and was a perfect little boy all morning long!  

We started our trip with a quick Starbucks stop (naturally) and then it was time to hit the road!
This is exactly how the drive went for J!

FYI - this picture was taken in the Starbucks drive thru
We hadn't even left Sioux Falls!

I have to say, I was pretty happy to see him snooze for about 45 minutes considering he was so tired and up so early.  I knew he would want to play, play, play hard once we got to the museum and I wanted to make sure we would make it out to lunch (one of our favorite little cafes is right across the street from the museum) after our morning of fun.  Yes, he did GREAT during both and this was one happy mommy!!!!!

Here are a few pics from our fun day!

It was so much fun to spend the day with my little man at one of his favorite places!  I can't believe we will have TWO in just a few short weeks!  Luke and I are trying our best to make sure we spend as much quality time with Jameson before his entire world gets tossed upside down.  

Love you Jameson!!!

Baby Update :-)

Once again, a little late... 

Anyways, This post is going to be short and sweet because................ that is exactly how our appointment went :-)  Baby was WONDERFUL!  

I have had a few intense contractions over the last few weeks 
**Just a quick side note... when I was pregnant with J, I never went into labor on my own... yes, my water broke on it's own, but I had to be medically induced into labor after so many hours...  I had many BH contractions, yes, Stella pulled me down and put me in labor (twice at 36 weeks), but I never actually had the painful labor pains on my own**  
With that said, I have been totally thrown for a loop with the painful contractions I have been experiencing.  Our doctor said not to worry considering they stopped on their own.  With that said, we will find out next week if the contractions have actually been "doing anything" (all you mommies out there know what I mean).

So, yes, baby is GREAT, mommy is feeling great (besides some nasty allergies) and all is well in the Hansen Household!

Our next appointment is on Tuesday!!   Then we go EVERY WEEK!  AHHHHHHH  So exciting!  Sunday will mark week 35!!

Cheers to baby #2!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Easter Weekend 2013

Again, better late than never...

Easter 2013 was wonderful!  (as always)  I do have to say, it was a little hectic getting everything ready for our company since we returned from vacation the Wednesday night before Easter Sunday.  My parents were arriving Thursday evening and Luke's mom and step dad were planning to be here late Friday afternoon.  So, bring on a VERY productive Thursday morning and nap time and we were READY!

My dad and I started our Easter weekend off with a Good Friday workout!  It was great to get "back on schedule" and prepare for a weekend of eating yummy food by burning a few extra calories.  (although, we probably walked enough in DC to cover the entire weekend!)

I have to admit, I can't really remember everything we did Friday, but I do know we were able to relax and enjoy each others company while Jameson played with his toys!  (he was SO happy to be home and sleeping in his bed). 

Saturday was actually a pretty nice day.  We spent the majority of the late morning walking around the Sioux Falls Zoo.  Jameson was so happy to be outside running around, while all four Grandparents were in heaven chasing after him :-)  (This preggos mommy was even more happy to have others able and willing to run and run some more to keep up J - my body was pretty exhausted after all the walking we did in DC)  I also have to quickly say, my dad and Mark spent a lot of Saturday morning and nap time painting Jameson's new sports bedroom!  THEY DID AN AWESOME JOB!  Thank you SO Much for all your hard work :-)  

Here is a "sneak peek" of J's "big boy bedroom"
I will post more pictures once it is 100% complete

That evening we played our Second Annual Trivia Game!  Like last year (I promise I will not go into all the details again like I did in my 2012 post) I put together a little trivia game for all of us to play and of course, there were prizes involved :-)  Jean was our BIG winner this year of the TARGET gift card while everyone else received candy and some other goodies to snack on.  Until next year my dear family ;-)  

Sunday morning we woke up to some Easter bunny surprises!  Jameson is still not all that interested in presents, so we didn't do an organized Easter egg hunt, but I did have eggs waiting for him in the living room (he was quick to start throwing them throughout the house... that's for sure!) and his basket was ready and waiting for him to notice.  (I think I was much more excited than he was!)  We also decorated some hard boiled eggs for a little late morning entertainment!  We ended our Easter celebration with a delicious lunch!  I just LOVE having family in town!!!  Mark and Jean had to take off shortly after lunch, so we said our goodbyes, Jameson took a nap and the rest of us went into a food coma for a few hours.  My parents were staying until Monday morning, so we just spent the rest of our time together relaxing and enjoying the company.  

Checking out the goodies the Easter bunny brought!

Ooooo Eggs... these are SO fun to throw!

Family picture with Gma and Gpa Gunderson