Tuesday, September 3, 2013

2 Months and Counting!

I can't believe our littlest man is 2 months old already!?!?  Seriously, he is getting SO BIG, SO FAST!  (and I am not joking on the big part!)

We had Jackson's 2 month check up the same day Jameson had his 2 year check up... let's just say I will NEVER be doing that again.  Two cranky and sleep deprived boys = one exhausted mommy!  I was really looking forward to a glass of wine that evening!  :-)

With that said, here are some stats on our little (big) man

So, here's the deal, he was at the doctor the day before for another reason and the scale read 16 lbs 7 oz... the following day at Jackson's well baby visit, the scale read 15lbs 9oz.... So, you make the call... I am going to average it out and say:
That is one BIG baby!
Height: 24in
Head Circumference: 17in
Diaper size: 2
Clothing size: 3-6 mo

Jackson is developing such a personality!  He is smiling, cooing, little giggles and most importantly sleeping well!  (not all the way through the night just yet, but we've had a slight taste of what that would be like again!)  He is sleeping in his own room because like his brother, Jackson is a VERY loud sleeper!  Our little man LOVES his crib at night, but still has not taken to sleeping in the crib during the day.  I have a feeling that one will be hard to break, but trust me, we will do it!  

Our biggest challenge has been the bottle!  Let's just say Jackson LOVES being close to his mommy... ALL... THE... TIME!  It has certainly been a struggle to get him to even TRY to put a bottle in his mouth.  But, this past weekend has given us hope that we will get there!  I would have to say this has been one of the hardest things for me as a mother of 2 because I feel so... I guess you would say stuck...  I love the fact that Jackson always wants to be with me, but simple tasks as going to the grocery store has been stressful.  Needless to say, we are making progress and I hope by our 3 month check in we will be 100% on the bottle.  

Jackson has certainly brought a whole new level of joy to our family.  He LOVES to be snuggled, held and kissed all day long!  I LOVE being a mommy to my boys and I look forward to many, many, many more years of snuggles and kisses with my little guys.  

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