Tuesday, September 17, 2013

"Dirty Thirty"

Well... obviously not so dirty, but still fun!  Plans for our long weekend changed about 1,000 times, but we made the best of it and had a blast!

So yes, I have officially turned the big 3-0!  No, I don't feel any different... yes, I know I can't do things like I did when I was 18-23ish (stay up all night long, drink like a fish - well I can do that, but the morning are not-so-fun!, work out like crazy and not feel sore the next day, and so on....) but that's ok.  I am happy where I am today and although I LOVED my college years, I wouldn't go back for anything!  I love my life and my family more than words could express!

Big birthday plans...  I wanted to do something fun for my 30th that was adult only!  So, Vegas BABY!  Yes, the planning landed us with a trip to Vegas..  Everything was going smoothly until Jackson decided he did not want to take a bottle... So, halt the Vegas planning and bring on a night away, just Luke and I.  My parents were still going to watch the boys for us so we could at least get away one night...  Jackson would survive one night without mommy and mommy would (hopefully) be able to relax for an evening out...  Halt the night away (Jackson freaked out at my parents house right before we were getting ready to leave) and bring on a few hours away in the Dells.  Yes, not nearly anything close to what we originally planned, but it was still a lot of fun!  Luke and I were able to get away for a few hours, enjoy a nice afternoon of shopping and lunch AND...  my parents/brother put together a fun scavenger hunt for us to complete along the way!

**A few things we had to find on the scavenger hunt.. 1. a wine cork, 2. someone wearing a badger sports shirt, 3. A license plate with 30 in it., 4. an address with 30 in it, 5. a coffee cup, 6. a watermelon drink, 7. I had to have a stranger update my facebook status... and so on... It was SO MUCH FUN!  I think Luke and I enjoyed that more than the shopping and lunch!  haha It was great to be creative and figure it all out***

The remainder of our weekend consisted of hanging out in Ona with my family.  Such a fun filled relaxing weekend with my husband, boys, parents and brother!  Thank you to everyone that made my special day AMAZING!!!

Heading out for our day in the Dells

Visiting Great Grandma Marson

Jackson and Great Grandma Marson

Uncle Adam and "Moose"

Jameson and Gpa playing outside in the pool

I think Gpa had just as much fun, if not more, then Jameson

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